Our newest presenter on RRUK is the fantastic Greyfox Growl and he's on right now!
www.rockradiouk.com Tuesday 5pm till 7pm Go check it out!

The name was given to me by an old Native American friend in Colorado when I lived there for a while. He said that I sounded like a Greyfox Growling when I sang, sol kept it, and why not.
My love for Southern Rock goes way back to the 70's when I first saw Black Oak Arkansas singing Go Jim Dandy with the amazing Ruby Star on backing
vocals. Then came The Marshall Tucker Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Ozark
Mountain Daredevils and of course lately among many Cadillac Three,
Blackberry Smoke, and The Sam Morrison Band. I just love the lyrics and the stories behind the songs, the honesty and friendship and the family values that Southern Rock stands for. I also love the
Dark Side and Rebel/Outlaw Country, they are full of the atmosphere of the old South.
I have also been fortunate to sing with some great bands and artists, 24 Carat Purple a Deep Purple tribute Band, Mick Underwood's Glory Road covering
songs he played with the Gillan Band and his own band Quatermass, veryhappy times. I'm also very proud of the time I spent writing songs and fronting
UK Southern Rock Band Sons Of Liberty, I currently front my new band Greyfox Conspiracy which is starting to gain a great reputation for being a dynamic, and exciting live band.
During the late 70's I hosted a Welsh language radio show as well as doing DJ spots at rock clubs around Cardiff. I enjoy listening to up-and-coming
British, European and American rock music in particular Dark Country and Outlaw Rock. I love helping new bands get a platform to showcase their own original and exciting music.
When I get the chance I compere at festivals, help with the choice of bands, and arrange for them to play.
I would like to think I am helping to restore Rock music to its rightful place and support live and new music.